School 4 One
S4O is Mineola's one stop shopping for digital curriculum. it is our work flow solution, curriculum builder, and standards database resource
It creates indivicual student portfolios that actually can demostrate student growth using his/her own work!
Here is a link to their website
Own your own, ON your own; that is what Kid OYO stands for. This unique platform allows students to work independently to learn to code.
It isn't just for kids; I CODED this entire webpage (on my own) using this product.
Here is a link to their website
Roble Education
Videographers working collaboratively with tecahers to create awesome digital content
Here is link to their website
eSpark provides children individual 'missions' based on his/her achievement on NWEA
Here is a link to their website
Knowing Science
Mineola has fully adopted the next generation sciecne standards. Children in grades K-6 rotate through hands on sciecne labs as a special, just like art and music.
Here is a link to their website
MathSpace and Brainscape
These two prgrams are the latest partnerships.