
Place cursor over picture to see the titles of the presentations

March 2017- Better together: we can build it, we have the technology
September 2016-How do you measure the Impact of Leadership on learning?
September 2016- Engaging Your Community to Gather Non-Academic Indicators
March 2015-Best Practices in Educational Technology with Apple
March 2014-Apple Ignite Presentation
September 2013- Organizing Formative Assessment Data to Inform Data Driven Instruction Based on the CCC
March 2013- Embracing PARCC and BYOD
March 2013- School Security: A Technology Systems Approach to Maintaning Safe Buildings
October 2012- Differentiating Instruction and Increasing Student Achievement with iPads
March 2012-Go Green and Save Money: Creating a District Wide Management System for Copies, Prints, Faxes and Scans
March 2012- Districts Tackling Mobile Device Challenges
New York State Council Of School Superintendents

The Council holds "Skill Building" sessions during their bi-annual conferences. I am a frequent presenter

Click here to visit the NYCOSS wesite

November 2015- Differentiating Instruction based on Student Data

March 2017- Better Together: we can build, we have the technology
March 2017- learning at the speed of kids- computer sciecne, engineering and entrepreneurial leadership
March 2017- Collaboration for AIS/RTI; from teh classroom to the cloud
March 2015- Students are more than a test Score: Standards based Assessment using Electronic Portfolios
March 2013- Bursting the Bubble: Enhancing Data Driven Instruction
March 2013- Individualized Learnig with iPads: A case study with Mineola and eSpark

Suffolk Asset

Suffolk Asset holds a yearly tech conference demonstrating best practice in the region

Click the here to visit the webpage.

April 2017- Searching for the blended learning Holy Grail: platforms, portfolios and pedagogy
March 2014- Differentiating Instruction Based on Student Data
March 2016- Keynote Address, Why we must teaching coding to everyone

December 2014- Digital Age Teaching and Education Forum: Standards Based Assessment using Electronic Portfolios
October 2014- Long Island technology Summit: Standards Based Assessment using Electronic Portfolios
March 2013- Nassau County Council of School Superintendent Instructional technology- What are 5th graders doing?
December 2011- Long Island Technology Summit: What are 21st Century Skills Anyway?

Nassau BOCES

BOCES is our regional cooperative service organization. As such they host a variety of events that Mineola particpates.

October 2107- What is OER and why should every district embrace it
October 2016- Assessing your District mission using electronic badges
July 2016- Keynote Address: Baseball and Teaching- It's all about the coach
May 2017- Lighting Talk: The Portfolio Data Triangle